1st place in the "Top 500 Companies Against Corruption" ranking.
For the third consecutive year, Grupo Proeza has been recognized in the top position in the "Top 500 Companies Against Corruption" ranking published by Expansión magazine.
Integridad Corporativa 500 (ic500) is a joint initiative with "Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad" (Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity) and "Transparencia Mexicana" (Mexican Transparency). It examines the presence and assesses the quality of integrity and anti-corruption policies among the 500 most important companies in Mexico – Expansión magazine.
Grupo Proeza and its companies, Metalsa, Citrofrut, Proeza Ventures, and Astrum, are continuously committed to integrity and doing things right.
Read the full article here https://expansion.mx/empresas/2023/06/26/las-500-empresas-contra-la-corrupcion-2023